You surely have already heard of substantial online roulette tips and strategies that work fine, however finding them a little bit hard to implement or a bit risky for often use. Well, why not try something that’s quite simple to understand yet less risky to employ? Lucky you, because you are going to learn to play the percentage trap.

Playing the percentage trap in online roulette is beneficial and can lead to good profits since it provides direction to any player implementing them. As you may have been so aware, playing any casino games online without any guidance or control and proper budgeting could lead to great loses. With online roulette, if you have no guidelines to follow, the possibility of losing everything you’ve banked over just a sequence of loose numbers is highly possible.

What average online roulette players are doing is basically to try to double their money against equal odds. The goal is actually there, but how can you make a hundred dollars out of 50 dollars, for instance, when you are faced against a mathematical redundancy. The reality is, this can actually be done, but do require an over time work and a lot of luck. One question remains, however, does your budget match well your luck?

And so, to make things easier and achievable, we cut the double and head down to aiming only 10% profit. That is, instead of aiming 100% profit from initial investment, we lower it down to make it very easy to achieve. So to speak, if we head to playing online roulette with $100 deposit, we should leave the table and find another once profit more than $110 is achieved.

Now $10 may not seem big, but imagine if you’re doing this many times a day. This is very easy since you only have to make a couple successful bets to achieve the aimed 10% profit comparing to the 100% mark which would expose you to numerous bet fluctuations that could zero your balance along the way, especially when a series of fluctuations occur.

Taking it to the scene, let’s say for example you’ve identified that there are numerous roulette tables in an online casino, 10 of them. You’re budget for playing online roulette game is $100 which matches the required initial deposit for that online casino. Now, you play the first table until you earn $110, then move to another. When transferring to another table, you could play the current total you have or just the initial investment and saving the $10 profit. When this has been duplicated through out the 10 tables, you’ll have a total of $100 profit. How simple is that? Less fluctuations, goal not hard to achieve.

What is actually required here is a clear achievable goal, solid discipline and patience to make things work. It may sound small from time to time, but when it all add up, there goes your reward.